2) The gap between the liberals and the evangelicals is narrowing. Inthe India sub group meeting it was mentioned that what Micah istalking about today was embraced by mainline churches like the churchof North India in the 1990s under the acronym – THUM(Towards aholistic understanding of mission). Today , evangelicals havejourneyed a long way from just planting churches to also caring forthe material , human needs and the liberals have also journeyed toaccept that fundamental sustainable development does not happenwithout a corresponding development of the heart.
3) A decade ago, evangelicals had the war cry that they had all theanswers and the answers had been given to them to deliver- today weare prepared to accept that we might have to learn from others, thatwe have questions too – hence the expressed desire to learn the true
WCC affiliated denominations and churches.
WCC affiliated denominations and churches.
4) The Evangelical church today is a evolving, dynamic and a learningcommunity. There are no more rigid positions in the evangelical worldany more. As evidenced by positions on matters like HIV and AIDS , thefact that there are diverse positions within the church shows thatthere is no rigidity in positions and opinions held and that churchleaders and opinion makers are ready to unlearn and adopt newpositions provided a biblical framework is provided",meaning of incarnation from the Catholics – to pray together with theWCC affiliated denominations and churches.
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